Lisatud ostukorvi
Avaleht / E-Pood / Grillid / TEFAL GRILL | GC461B34 | TABLE | 2400 W | BLACK/STAINLESS ST
Toote kood GC461B34
Tootja TEFAL
Gross depth (mm) 240.00 mm
Gross height (mm) 410.00 mm
Gross weight 6.65 kg
Gross width (mm) 435.00 mm
Net weight 5.55 kg
Packing quantity 1.00 pc(s)
Paper/Pasteboard 1090.00 g
Plastic (No PET) 10.00 g
Tare weight (kg) 1.10 kg
Volume (m3) 0.04 m³
Embeeded battery No
WEEE tax Yes
WEE classification CL109:5:2017-04-01
Producer TEFAL
Palette Qty 40 pc(s)
Power 2400 W
Colour of product Black/Stainless Steel
Cable length 1.1 m
Cooking surface shape Rectangle
Removable drip tray Yes
Type Table
Housing material Metal
Indication light Yes
Adjustable thermostat Yes
On/off switch Yes
Non-stick coating Yes
Removable plate(s) No
Producer product name GC461B34
Producer product family Grill
Warranty 24 month(s)
Ladu Laos Kättetoimetamise aeg

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